Batch Skip Tracing is Fast, Accurate, and Affordable
It used to be that skip tracing was only done by collection agencies and private investigators to track down people who where skipping out on a debt or were in trouble with the law. Finding people was slow and costly.
Today, batch skip tracing makes it fast and affordable for small businesses to search accurate contact information, including mobile phone numbers, addresses, and emails, for a list of contacts. It’s never been easier to use skip trace data & tools in your business.
Everyday BellesLink customers, such as real estate investors, employment recruiters, legal and professional services, use batch skip tracing to find and contact the customers on their list. BellesLink premium data is made up of thousands of sources and billions of records and our batch search can give you current contact information for 98% of the adults in the U.S..
Try Batch Skip Tracing With a Free Account
Batch Skip Trace Thousands of Records At Once
When you want to skip trace and contact a large number of people you need a process that is both efficient and affordable. That means you’ll want to process a lot of records at one time, instead of searching each person individually. This is when you’ll want to use batch skip tracing search, which can search thousands of records at once and returned detailed search results with current phone numbers, addresses, and emails.
- Append current phone numbers, addresses, and emails to your existing list.
- Save time by skip tracing thousands of records at one time, instead of individual searches.
- Avoid confusing spreadsheets. Use our contact manager to organize your list and search results.
How to Use Batch Skip Tracing
4 easy steps to use a batch skip tracing tool:
1. Create a batch spreadsheet (saved as CSV) with details of the contacts you would like to search – your batch spreadsheet should have separate columns for search fields (first & last name, address, etc.)
2. Upload your batch spreadsheet to the batch search tool and match the relevant search fields to the columns in your spreadsheet
3. Preview results to ensure that columns have been accurately matched to search fields – skipped records will also be highlighted, giving you a chance to fix the spreadsheet if necessary
4. View the results of the batch search in the contact manager – optionally, click into a specific record to see full details of a batch searched contact

Save Time With Premium Data
Bad data costs you a lot more than money, it costs you time. BellesLink batch search saves you time by delivering premium data to your business. Our data is compiled from thousands of sources and billions of records and gives you current contact information for 98% of the adults in the U.S.. Our high match rate means you get more data from every search and our data quality means you spend less time calling wrong numbers, and more time making contact with customers.
- Get more right-party contact information from every search.
- Avoid wasting time on out-of-date and disconnected phone numbers.
- Have more conversations with the customers you search.

Manage Your Skip Tracing Data With Contacts
Skip tracing is an efficient way to find current phone numbers, addresses, and emails and more. Most often, your skip trace results come back to you in a spreadsheet format. Spreadsheets can be confusing and difficult to use so it’s good to have another option, like the BellesLink Contact Manager. Instead of working with a spreadsheet, you can work with contacts, just like you do in your accounting or sales management software. Contacts make it easy to put your skip tracing data to work.
- Data from your skip trace searches can be saved into a contact record.
- Contacts can be put into groups, organized with tags, and expanded with custom fields.
- Make phone calls, send texts, and save notes from the contacts you create.

Do More Than Just Skip Trace, Make Contact
In all the talk about data and searches, it’s easy to forget why businesses use skip tracing tools in the first place, the reason is to make contact with the person by phone, text, email, or mail. No matter what your reason for searching someone, the goal is always to talk with them. To help you make contact with the people you skip trace, BellesLink includes a business phone system and business texting that is integrated with our skip tracing searches and Contact Manager. It helps you build an efficient workflow for your business and helps you get more from your skip tracing work.
- The most important part of skip tracing is making contact with the people you search.
- A skip trace platform with built in phone and text makes contacting people easy and efficient.
- Your business can make many more contacts with customers when you’ve got current data.

Get Started With BellesLink
It’s easy to add BellesLink to your real estate business. You can sign up for our free Basic Plan and get access to our Batch Search, People Search, and Contact Manager. That’s everything you need to find current contact information for the people you’re skip tracing.
To access our complete people search platform, including our business phone system and business text messaging, signup for a Pro Plan or Business Plan. The Pro Plan is a great value with all the people search tools you need to not only find people, but also contact the people on your list. The Business Plan gives you more of everything, when you’re ready to grow your business.
Which BellesLink Plan Is Right For You?
Basic Plan
Pro Plan
Business Plan
Basic PlanGet Started
Pro PlanBest Value
Business PlanMore of Everything
People Searches |
Batch Search |
Contact Manager |
Text Messaging |
Business Phone System |
Contact Dialer |
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Explore this plan » |
Explore this plan » |
Basic Plan
Pro Plan
Business Plan
Basic PlanGet Started
Pro PlanBest Value
Business PlanMore of Everything
People Searches |
Batch Search |
Contact Manager |
Text Messaging |
Business Phone System |
Contact Dialer |
Explore this plan » |
Explore this plan » |
Explore this plan » |
Basic Plan
Pro Plan
Business Plan
Basic PlanGet Started
Pro PlanBest Value
Business PlanMore of Everything
People Searches |
Batch Search |
Contact Manager |
Text Messaging |
Business Phone System |
Contact Dialer |
Explore this plan » |
Explore this plan » |
Explore this plan » |
People search, batch search, phone calls, text messaging, and contact management, all-in-one.
BellesLink makes it easy, simple, and affordable for small businesses to find and contact people or customers.
Get Started For Free With BellesLink