Businesses who use batch search often find themselves asking two questions.
- I just bought a lead list. How do I know if the names and addresses are accurate?
- I’ve bought a batch search from two companies. How do I know which search result is better?
We’ve added batch search stats to BellesLink to help you answer both those questions and to help you understand the return on investment you get from every BellesLink batch people search.
Batch Search Stats
Our new batch search stats will help you get insights on the quality of your list, analyze the performance of your batch searches, and optimize your marketing efforts.
The metrics include:
- Hit Rate %
- Total Working Numbers
- Deleted Non-Working Numbers
- Total Emails
Search Stats are Reported with Your Results
When you look at your batch search results, you’ll find the new stats in two places. First on your Batch Results page, each batch in the list will show you the hit rate—the percentage of search which returned a result. When you click View Results, you’ll see additional metrics at the top of the page.
Hit Rate %
The hit rate is the number of searches that returned a result, divided by the total number of searches you did. The hit-rate will answer your first question, “Is the list I bought accurate”?
Higher quality lists, have higher hit-rates. Use the hit rate to get insights on the quality of your list and compare your list sources.
Working and Non-Working Phone Numbers
BellesLink tests every phone number to verify it’s a good working number. Any non-working phone numbers are deleted from your results.
The total amount of non-working numbers you get in a search result is a good measure of a company’s data quality. Use this metric to analyze the performance searches you purchase from different companies. The more disconnected phone numbers you get, the lower the quality of their data.
Use Search Stats to Optimize Your Marketing
Because BellesLink deletes non-working numbers from batch search results, you can be confident that you are optimizing your marketing efforts by using only good, working phone numbers. You won’t wasted time calling disconnected numbers.
In short, Batch Stats help you measure the performance of your searches. You can get insights on the quality of your list, analyze the performance of your batch searches, and optimize your marketing efforts.
If you have any questions about batch stats or any feature in the BellesLink people search platform, feel free to contact us by phone or email.